This qualification reflects the role of individuals employed as skin or beauty therapists who design and provide specialised skin treatments for clients with various skin treatment needs.
They are skilled individuals who synthesise specialised knowledge and experience to consult, design and manage sequential treatment programs. They possess highly developed communication skills and specialised technical skills. Practitioners operate within a defined scope of practice and use initiative and judgement to refuse or refer treatments as required.
Job Roles:
STUDY PROGRAM- Blended On Campus/Online
Pre Requisite:
Listed below
Berwick Dermal Campus
Starting Date:
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Class Schedules:
Day Classes- 9:30am-2:30pm
Full Time: 3 days on campus per week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Duration:12 Months
Part Time: 2 days on campus per week Monday and Tuesday
Duration: 18 Months
Evening Classes- 6pm-9:30pm
Part Time: 2 nights on campus per week and 1 self paced online session
18 Months
Dermal Kit: Included in Fees
Excursions: Included in Fees
Product Knowledge and Certification: Included in fees
Deposit: $500.00
Paid in two instalments of $250.00 over a month or $500.00 up front to secure place in an intake
Interest Free Payment Plans Available
Part Time Students Payment Plan: $150.00 per week
Full Time Students Payment Plan: $200.00 per week
Term 2 April Applicants- Advised to make an early application due to small class sizes.
Blended Delivery- Online/On Campus
This course is delivered in a structured learning environment. This program is offered in a structured learning environment and includes an on campus timetable with a blend of online theory component.
This Dermal Program includes the knowledge and skills needed to design and safely apply non- ionising radiation treatments in addition to learning how to apply pulsed light and laser technology. Students will also learn the skills and knowledge needed to provide consultation, design and manage treatment programs.
Pre Requisites:
This program will provide a pathway to work in or manage and operate a skin clinic, laser clinic, dermal clinic or beauty salon.
Starting Date:
Term 2- April 22nd 2025 Intake- enrolments now open.
Units Delivered:
Core Units:
SHBBSKT011 Provide superficial peel treatments
SHBBSKT008 Design light emitting diode skin treatment programs
SHBBSKT009 Provide light emitting diode skin treatments
SHBBSSC003 Research and apply information on skin science therapy context
SHBBSKT002 Provide skin therapy consultations
SHBBSKT002 Provide advice on specialised skin care formulations and ingredients
SHBXCCS006 Promote healthy nutritional options in a beauty therapy context
SHBBSKS009 Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
SHBBSKT003 Identify and control safety risks for light-based skin treatments
SHBBSKT010 Provide skin needling treatments
Elective Units (Compulsory)
SHBBHRS008 Design intense pulsed light hair reduction treatment programs
SHBBHRS009 Provide intense pulsed light hair reduction treatments
SHBBSKT005 Provide intense pulsed light skin treatments
SHBBSKT004 Design intense pulsed light skin treatment programs
SHBBSKT012 Investigate developments in cosmetic treatments for skin rejuvenation
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